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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekend Fun

Haley has decided that she likes getting her toy basket and pulling it down on top of her. Once it is sitting in her lap, she pulls EVERY toy out. It is kinda funny to watch her.

We also decided to get bikes. There is a trail in our neighborhood and some other trails close by that we can ride. Haley loves being on the back of my bike. We even got her a cute pink helmet. She wasnt sure about the helmet at first, but got used to it pretty quickly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is getting cuter by the day. We have a bike seat like that and phoebe loves it too. Karlee hasn't been on yet. Are Haley's ears pierced? They look like it. I've been trying to convince Nick to let me get phoebe's done! Love it.
Wish we got to see you 3 more often. If you ever want to meet at the are more than welcome.
becky canatsey